
The music that moves you, now moves with you!

Our goal at Bumpin' Brands is to create unique and innovative products for music lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Our mission is to bring people together through the power of music and provide a fun and stylish way to enjoy your favorite tunes on the go!


I have always had a passion for music, sports, anything outside, and spending time with family and friends! In early 2021 I was on the golf course with my buddies and one of them was playing music on his phone in his back pocket. We all joked about how great it would be to easily take our music with us on the course verses only in the golf cart! After some extensive research I realized there wasn’t a product on the market that would let me wear my music and look great while doing so.

I was very fortunate to have gone through the Entrepreneurship graduate program at the University of South Florida in 2010 (Go Bulls!) and had the honor to meet and develop a friendship with one of the original sharks from Shark Tank, Kevin Harrington. After my golfing music a-ha moment, I played golf with Kevin and pitched him my idea. He went through a laundry list of questions and thought it had great potential……..all I needed to do was figure out how to get all the features and functionality into a super small form factor, get a working prototype, and get my designs patented!


I then was introduced to Mike and Derek Locker who have over 30yrs experience in helping entrepreneurs take products to market! Through their extensive network I was able to work with some of the best design, prototyping, and patent experts out there and a short 18 months later we were ready to debut the Bumpin' Belt at the PGA show in January of 2023!


We have an amazing team of some of the most experienced entrepreneurs and product specialists in the world and can’t wait for you to try our products and enjoy your music wherever life takes you!

Thank you for your support!

Eric Barnhart

The music that moves you, now moves with you!

Our goal at Boomin Belts is to create unique and innovative products for music lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Our mission is to bring people together through the power of music and provide a fun and stylish way to enjoy your favorite tunes on the go!


I have always had a passion for music, sports, anything outside, and spending time with family and friends! In early 2021 I was on the golf course with my buddies and one of them was playing music on his phone in his back pocket. We all joked about how great it would be to easily take our music with us on the course verses only in the golf cart! After some extensive research I realized there wasn’t a product on the market that would let me wear my music and look great while doing so.